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Builders Registration #14079


Urban WA Homes was created to build homes exclusively for Urban WA Real Estate investment clients. This allows us to control the process allowing us to build faster and at a substantial discount to the market as minimal changes are permitted and all colours are pre chosen allowing our clients to avoid the complex and expensive pre start process.

As many of our clients are in the country, Lydia Perisic project manages all the builds and supplies regular reports to our clients during the construction process. She reports directly to the Directors and in the unlikely event any minor issues arise these can be fixed quickly and efficiently.

We pride ourselves on the high specifications and the fact that no provisional sums or variation costs apply to the contract and our homes are fully finished ready to rent out right down to the letter box, house numbers, tv aerial, crossover, fencing, air conditioning, internal painting, light fittings and even the light globes.

We are proud of the fact that many of our clients who are building their investment portfolios are now building their second and third home with Urban WA Homes.

Click on the video below to see the attention to detail that comes from an Urban WA Homes built property.